Contact Us

There are a number of ways to get in touch with the PTO depending on your needs.

To reach any member of our Executive Board, go to this page.

Looking to volunteer? Want to join a committee? Check out opportunities here, or contact our Volunteer Coordinators, Meghan Paulas and Amanda Becerra.

Do you need help getting the word out about something? Wondering how you get your message on the weekly Irving Update emails?

If you want to get the word out about an Irving School event, here’s the drill:

Steps to submit a notice or announcement for the Irving PTO Email Updates, PTO Website, and Digital Backpack:
1. Prepare an email to
2. Include Who, What, Where and When (and a little background if you like) of what you want/need posted. Please be sure to include a DEADLINE DATE for posting to go on the Website.
3. You may create the wording of your posting or we can help write it – just be sure to include all the relevant details so your message is clear.
4. If you are submitting a flyer, please email both a PDF and JPG to or let us know if you’d like us to help you prepare one.
5. Submit the Flyer to the Digital Backpack. This is an important step in making sure your Flyer gets widespread attention.

For specific questions about PTO Communications, contact the Co-chairs of Communications: Amy Reilly and Audra Fullerton

How do you get reimbursed for an expense? When will you see your check? What is the budget for your committee? Contact our Treasurer: Jason Gerace

Do you have an idea for a new project? Just have a general question you need answered? Feel free to contact the PTO Presidents: Flavian Prince and Alison Coppelman

The PTO mailbox is in the front office at Irving School, near the entry door.